Participate in a Collaborative action team!
Action teams are communities of practice focused on particular topics that contribute to the Collaborative.
We are actively recruiting for action team members to come on board in January 2025, with nominations due by January 9.
Self-nominations are accepted, see below for teams, details, and commitments.
Global engagement survey
Co-creates and builds relationships among people using the GES. Share ways to utilize GES data to better understand and improve student global learning and/or administrative and leadership decision making, and strategies for disseminating our new knowledge and improved practices.
Membership and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Ensures Collaborative policies, promotion, public-facing initiatives, fee-structures, planning, and institutional design is inclusive across all stakeholders.
Knowledge Mobilization
Attends to the learning and knowledge creation needs of the wider scholar-practitioner community in service of the Collaborative mission and strategic goals. Mobilizes, advocates for, and advances ethical models of engagement. This includes developing and curating awards, content creation for and curation of our blog, podcast, webinars, and social media and considering avenues for GES results and research based on it can be disseminated. This team meets quarterly with our research team to share progress on research projects and consider avenues for mobilization of findings.
Fair Trade Learning and Toolkit Development and Dissemination
Advocates for, and advances fair trade learning standards. Further develops and disseminates the Global Solidarity and Local Actions Toolkit. Ensures strong connection with knowledge mobilization team.
Advocacy Council (quarterly)
Provides insight and trends into fields of practice of the Collaborative. Advocates on behalf of the Collaborative regarding organizational partnerships and partnerships with other associations. Membership is by invitation.
Steering Committee
Represents the interests of membership and the larger community, serves the mission of the Collaborative, and works to meet the goals of the strategic plan. Lead or participate in another action team, and decide scope of work/potential projects for each team, holding a birds-eye view of all action teams (and proposing new teams). Membership is by invitation.
Additional details
Teams meet monthly unless noted. Monthly time commitment including preparing for and attending meetings and action items in between meetings is 4 hours/month or 1 hour/week.
Interested people can join by nomination. Dues paying members and those who recently attended a CBGL Summit or Institute are eligible to self-nominate. Interested people should meet with managing director Mike Bishop to discuss opportunities.
Once accepted into an action team, we welcome new action team members through a one-hour orientation and onboarding.
Each team has a chairperson who is a Collaborative staff or Steering Committee volunteer. The chairperson is responsible for facilitating meetings and inclusive goal setting, outcomes, and reporting.
Action team commitments
Serve at least one year, with onboarding every January and July.
Make every effort to attend scheduled meetings and complete action items in between meetings
Sign the individual commitment or organizational / institutional commitment and strive to practice these in your action team and other roles, including:
Familiarize yourself with Collaborative initiatives
Contribute intellectual leadership or implementation opportunities, or share those initiatives with your wider network whenever appropriate.
Encourage your organization or institution to be an active, contributing member of the Collaborative. This includes organizational / institutional financial contribution (membership), if relevant.
Provide feedback to continuously improve this critical community of practice
Attend in-person gatherings when relevant and reasonable