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Mentored Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts

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  • Dr. Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Professor of Psychology and Director of the Center for Research on Global Engagement Elon University

  • Dr. Dawn Michele Whitehead, Vice President of the Office of Global Citizenship for Campus, Community and Careers at the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)

Despite increasing interest in the high-impact practices (HIPs) of undergraduate research (UR) and global learning in domestic and international contexts, there has been little research on the integration of these educational experiences. Additionally, we know little about the models of mentoring that facilitate the highest quality learning and even less about the impact of mentored undergraduate research in global contexts (MUR-GC) on host partners and communities.

In a recent publication by the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), we report on the results of our first four years of investigations on MUR-GC. In this session, we will offer a brief overview of the relevant HIPs (global learning, mentoring, and undergraduate research) and our research findings, and discuss implications for practice, such as attention to context, equity-mindedness, and inclusive practices. We will invite participants to share strategies for interdisciplinary and integrative collaborations between mentors, students, and host and community partners, and discuss approaches to complex global challenges.

February 10

The Collaborative 101

February 19

Connect with the Collaborative