The Toolkit: An Open Access Teaching and Learning Resource for Civic and Global Learning

February 4th, 2:45-4:15 EST – The Toolkit: An Open Access Teaching and Learning Resource for Civic and Global Learning Presenter / Facilitators: Samantha Brandauer – Associate Provost and Executive Director of the Center for Global Study and Engagement, Dickinson College and Eric Hartman – Executive Director of the Center for Peace and Global Citizenship, Haverford College

Interdependence: Global solidarity & local actions - see the full toolkit here .

This session was free and open to the public. Registration closed at 7pm on Wednesday, February 3. If you're interested in similar future opportunities, sign up for the email in the left column, where updates are shared monthly. We also encourage you to sign up for the Forum’s Feb. 4th Institute on Online Global Learning: Lessons Learned & Level Up! The Forum has created a special discount code just for colleagues joining us from the Collaborative network. Please use the code OGL50 to take $50 off at registration.

Session description: In the spring of 2020, as COVID-19 forced international educators to start asking larger questions about the future of international education and global learning with limited student mobility, two small liberal arts colleges in Pennsylvania and the membership of a network of higher education institutions and community organizations started reimagining the future of global learning. Together we started to develop open-access, online teaching materials - An Interdependence Toolkit . What drove us was our collective commitment to building just, inclusive and sustainable communities, a spirit of collaboration and a desire to seek out future-forward and innovative opportunities for continued global learning. Through a series of co-created modules interweaving topics like sustainability, structural violence and racism, participatory research, and fair trade learning - teachers and learners are asked to grapple with our interdependence and its implication for global solidarity and local actions.

The session will focus on:

  • How the Toolkit is being developed and has begun to fill in some missing pieces in online global learning.

  • A shifting framework for education abroad that is recognizing opportunities for advancing global learning in diverse contexts, including our own home communities.

  • Some examples of how the toolkit is being put into action in education abroad contexts such as new online course development, new collaborations on campus across DEI/civic engagement/sustainability/global learning, student pre-departure and re-entry workshops and faculty development.

  • How to use and contribute to the Toolkit.

Panelists will walk participants through the above pieces with ample opportunity to think about how they too may begin to rethink the way they are preparing, supporting and giving access to global learning for students. Global learning that is connected to students' local context and community, builds new bridges across campus and community and moves students from inquiry to action.

Check out and sign up for the Forum on Education Abroad’s Institute on Online Global Learning: Lessons Learned & Level Up! We also encourage you to sign up for the Forum’s Feb. 4th Institute on Online Global Learning: Lessons Learned & Level Up! The Forum has created a special discount code just for colleagues joining us from the Collaborative network. Please use the code OGL50 to take $50 off at registration. This one-day, virtual event will provide education abroad professionals and colleagues across the fields of international education and online global learning opportunities to come together to discuss current trends, share their experiences, and work collaboratively to strengthen our identity as educators committed to connecting our students to rich, transformative international and intercultural experiences. We know that many international educators are still novices in the virtual space, so we hope to lean into that by inviting colleagues with experience in online global learning and those who are just getting started to join us at the event and share their insights. We also hope that colleagues in COIL and virtual exchange, virtual and remote internships and service-learning, instructional design, online learning, and digital pedagogy will join us to share their expertise.


For Us and the World We Inhabit: A Civics of Interdependence


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