Recording and Resources: Global-Local Curricular Connections and Experiential Education Webinar

On Friday, October 16, 2020, members of the Global Engagement in the Liberal Arts Conference Community, along with the Community-based Global Learning Collaborative and the Haverford College Center for Peace and Global Citizenship, joined together for this important and current conversation. This event was part of the Haverford College Center for Peace and Global Citizenship’s 20th anniversary series.

In the name of education that is enriching, engaging and relevant both with respect to students’ trajectories and in terms of understanding and addressing 21st Century Challenges, faculty, staff, students and community partners have worked to better align interdisciplinary global engagement programs. During this opportunity for connection and conversation a range of faculty, staff, and administrative voices shared about the progress they have made on these efforts at selective liberal arts institutions.

00:00 - Welcome and tech overview

02:47 - Eric Hartman introduces the co-sponsors and the presentations

06:00 - Wesleyan University: Stephen Angle, Professor of East Asian Studies and Philosophy and Director of the Center for Global Studies, Natalia Román Alicea, Assistant Director of Intercultural and Language Learning, and Magdalena Zapędowska, Assistant Director of Fellowships

15:34 - Carleton College: Scott Carpenter, Professor of French and Director of Cross-Cultural Studies, and David Tompkins, Associate Professor of History and Director of the Center for Global and Regional Studies

25:57 - Connecticut College: Amy Dooling, Associate Dean of Global Initiatives Director of The Walter Commons for Global Study, and Kimberly Sanchez, Associate Director of Engaged Scholarship & Community Learning

36:38 - Dickinson College: Samantha Brandauer, Associate Provost and Executive Director of the Center for Global Study and Engagement, and Julia Carnine, Resident Director Dickinson in France and Contributing Faculty in French and Francophone Studies

49:13 - Haverford College: Thomas Donahue-Ochoa, Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science and Associate Director for Curricular Innovation and Connection, Center for Peace and Global Citizenship, and Eric Hartman, Executive Director, Center for Peace and Global Citizenship

01:01:12 - Swarthmore College: Ayşe Kaya, Associate Professor, Political Science and Co-coordinator, Global Studies Program, and Carina Yervasi, Associate Professor of French/Francophone Studies and Co-Coordinator, Global Studies Program

01:09:50 - Breakout group preparation

01:12:24 - Debrief from breakout groups

01:25:42 - Wrap-up and thank yous

Shared Links:

The webinar was co-sponsored by The Community-based Global Learning Collaborative, the Pennsylvania Council for International Education, and the Philadelphia Higher Education Network for Neighborhood Development.


Recording and Resources: Cultural Humility and Historical Understanding – Understanding What is Now Pennsylvania through Indigenous Experience


Upcoming Event: Cultural Humility and Historical Understanding - Understanding What is Now Pennsylvania through Indigenous Experience