Interdependence: Global Solidarity and Local Actions Toolkit

About the Toolkit

The Interdependence: Global Solidarity and Local Actions Toolkit is an award winning open-access, on-line teaching and learning resource that brings together educators, organizers, and learners who all share a commitment to building more just, inclusive, and sustainable communities.

The Toolkit is currently edited and maintained by the following co-editors:

Eric Hartman, Executive Director, Center for Peace and Global Citizenship, Haverford College

Samantha Brandauer, Associate Provost and Executive Director, Center for Global Study and Engagement, Dickinson College

A special thanks to Nedra Sandiford who served as a co-editor of the Toolkit from 2022-2024 in her role as Administrative Director of Dickinson in Spain at Dickinson College.

At the time of creation in spring 2020 the Toolkit was co-created, curated, and edited by staff, administrators, and faculty representing a range of institutions and organizations. We share their logos below:

These resources are intended as open-access reading and teaching materials, geared toward robust global civic literacy and capacities for informed, ethical action that supports just, inclusive, and sustainable communities.

Anyone is welcome to use these resources, in whole or in part. Please cite as indicated at the bottom of each page.

Many community organizers, faculty, and facilitators are using these modules for particular courses or training programs. The core content is on this website so that it can be maximally open-access, but your particular questions, reflection sessions, and – if applicable – grades will typically occur in your own space, whether that’s through Whatsapp, Google Classroom, Moodle, or something else. Faculty and facilitators may also, of course, supplement or adapt the content available here. Independent individuals are welcome to self-pace through these resources. 

Thanks to the many spring 2020 original page co-creators and co-editors:

Bibi Al-Ibrahim, Amizade

Samantha Brandauer, Dickinson College

Julia Carnine, Dickinson College

Jessica Evert, Child Family Health International

Bruno Grazioli, Dickinson College

Eric Hartman, Haverford College

Shannon Hartman, Interactivity Foundation

Stephanie Keene, Haverford College

Richard Kiely, Cornell University

Janice Lion, Haverford College

Lindsey Lyons, Dickinson College

Jennifer Magee, Swarthmore College

Nora Reynolds, The Community-based Global Learning Collaborative

Nedra Sandiford, Dickinson College

Cynthia Toms, Westmont College

Robin Young, Child Family Health International

Stephanie Zukerman, Haverford College